Thursday, March 15, 2012

why him?...

slm... mind keep askin' the same thing...
every minutes..or you can say...every SECOND!...
why him???why him???WHY HIM???
why should i be in love with someone who already has someone to be loved...
pathetic rite?... but thats what make me so strong...
i promise myself with some STUPID things...
huh...i'm my self don't know if i can do it...but i know someday i will... :)
i don't care what people think of me...
this evening i dream of him...
in that dream we seem close but i know he try to ignoring me...
that dram really do make me HAPPY...
but what it really mean???
first time i dream of him this year...and its close to his birthday...
kalau tu sume mainan tido...haa...x bleh nak pikir dah...
its never happen to me before never!!! why now?...
i need an answer...ASAP!!!~
hahaha...sape la yg bleh bagi jawapan tu an?...
tomorrow i WILL make chocolate moist cake...
for me to celebrate for his birthday even though he doesn't know...
or you can say he never wanna know... :)
its okay though...i can make it as excuse ''i make it for my friends''
they really do love it... xD
keep asking me to make it... ^^ thats make me happy...:)
i'm glad!... :D (hehee...ade jugak yg sudi)

knowing you is just a DISASTER...
meeting you is just a DREAM...
living with you is just a FANTASY...
being loved by you is just a FAIRY TALE...
whatever it're still in my HEART

hahaha...i make it...especially for him...
that what i think what between us...
or you can say..more likely to ME... xD
but thats one can change that bout me...
datang la seramai mane yg pujuk tuk lUPEKAN dye...
i WILL not!!! he already owned my HEART...
kalau nak lupekan... dye mesti pulangkan balik!!! :(
that is oe of my promise...

dah...stakat nie jer...org2 tu dah bising...baru bape jam aq maen...-_-''
org len x dew lak nak sound2 bagai...-_-